健脾寶 Spleenex




又是体内血库、平时储存多余血液、身体需要时再释放出来、 助胃消化吸收、输送、排泄、分解、也是消化饮食和输布(营养成份)、饮食入胃、胃和 同时进行消化所产生的精微被吸收后转化为精、血、律液、再由 脏帮助输送到身体各部、以滋养五脏六腑、四肢百骸全以及皮毛、肌肉等其糟粕之物下输予大肠,在 气转输推动形成正常粪便、 脏也有水液运输和调节分布的功能,若 虚水湿不能运化水份停滞於体内聚集为痰湿内生、头部沉重、胸闷、呕吐感觉、肌体虚肥腹胀等、偏食异食、寒热不调、过食生冷、嗜爱冰冻品及酸辣刺激煎炸食物或现代文明病者长期需要服用药物者都会影响 脏功能、若 脏虚弱则消化运输功能减退、使各种食物营养无法吸收和输布血液循环以养心生血、导致心血不足不能精予肝、亦使肺气失养、 脏久虚伤胃造成 胃虚弱、日久即影响体内其他五脏六腑、身体的新陈代谢缓慢和转输系统失调、造成个人抵抗力弱、免疫功能降低、身体极容易出现疾病如:



“补”的概念是正确的,但需要个人体质相配合才能发挥效用。若体虚者应先调好 脏后才进补。俗语说:“调 胜於进补”若 虚则导致、虚不受补”从今日开始适当调互你的 脏,帮助吸收均衡的营养,提高人体自然排毒素和代谢功能增强免疫力,健康的 脏则能消化,吸收,转输化功能正常,气血充沛,其他腑脏也因此得到充足的气血滋养而保持旺盛功能帮助您保持强身体健,防病养身,益寿延长,健



Limpa merupakan ‘ibu’ untuk lima organ dalam badan kita serta sumber ‘qi’ dan darah. Limpa adalah lymphatic organ yang terbesar dalam badan dan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pelbagai fungsi badan kita. Ia berfungsi sebagai penyaring darah tua, kuman,dan bacteria dari darah, penyimpan dan penghasil sel darah merah dalam badan kita, menghasilkan lymphocyte, menyeimbangkan lemak dan menyimpan zat besi untuk mempertahankan serta memperkuatkan kekebalan badan. Limpa juga membantu pencernaan makanan dan penyerapan intisari makanan yang berkhasiat dalam perut seterusnya menyalurkan kepada semua bahagian badan untuk mempertahankan fungsi organ lain.

Jika Limpa lemah ia tidak dapat membantu mencerna makanan dan tidak dapat menyerap intisari makanan yang berkhasiat dalam badan kita dan fungsinya akan terancam serta menyebabkan ketidakselesaan dan cairan tidak beraliran, sehingga menyebabkan pelbagai jenis penyakit seperti:

Darah tinggi, kencing manis, anemia, kolesterol tinggi, kepala rasa berat, asma, batuk berkahak, perut mengembung, tahi cecairan, keinginan untuk muntah, kegemukan, tidak dapat tidur lena serta sentiasa bermimpi dan lain-lain.

Sebaliknya jika Limpa sihat, badan akan disuburkan dengan secukupnya, rasa bertenaga, meningkatkan keimunan dan antibody, bibir merah kilat serta muka berseri-seri.

Kebanyakan orang berpendapat apabila badan seseorang lemah, ia memerlukan tonik dan makanan yang berkhasiat

Konsep ini betul pada umumnya, tapi jenis tonik atau vitamin yang diambil mestilah betul. Oleh kerana itu, penting menguatkan fungsi Limpanya terlebih dahulu sebelum mengambil sebarang tonik atau vitamin yang lain. Limpa yang sihat akan menghasilkan kesihatan untuk sepanjang umur. Seperti pepatah mengatakan ‘baik menjaga Limpa daripada mengambil sebarang vitamin’.


Food which are icy, cold, alcoholic, sour & hot will injure the stomach and damage the spleen

Spleen will be injured, if you can eat but cannot digest. Stomach will become weak, if you can digest but cannot eat. Strengthen your spleen if you have gastric problems. Weak spleen causes sickness, strong spleen removes sickness. Strengthen your spleen and stomach is better than taking any replenisher.


Maintain Healthy body and prevent sickness

1.You know what stomach is, but do you understand ‘spleen ‘ well?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the stomach is called the sea of gain and water; everything is assimilated here. The spleen is situated at the center of the five organ networks. The spleen is in charge of digestion and transportation; everything is moved by its workings. Absorbing and moving are the essential action which define the spleen / stomach network as the main source of the life-sustaining postnatal energy.

2.What are the physiological function of spleen ?

a)Receiving and fermenting

The stomach is an charge of receiving food and drink via the mouth and esophagus, containing them, and finally fermenting them. After “grinding and fermenting” the incoming material part of the essence distilled from food is passed on to the spleen , while the rest is passed on downwards to the small intestine.

b) Transporting and transforming

The spleen is in charge of the transformation and distribution of food essence and fluids.Consequenlty, the entire body will be provided with the nutrients that are essential for survival.

c) Production of Qi and blood

The spleen is physical earth center which is the source of both the body’s qi and blood.

d) Flesh and muscles

The absorbing and transporting function of the spleen / stomach is directly reflected in the development of a person’s flesh and muscles. Strong and well developed arms and legs are therefore to be an important indicator for good spleen function.

2.What are the physiological function of spleen ?

a) Receiving and fermenting The stomach is an charge of receiving food and drink via the mouth and esophagus, containing them, and finally fermenting them. After “grinding and fermenting” the incoming material part of the essence distilled from food is passed on to the spleen , while the rest is passed on downwards to the small intestine.

b) Transporting and transforming

The spleen is in charge of the transformation and distribution of food essence and fluids.Consequenlty, the entire body will be provided with the nutrients that are essential for survival.

c) Production of Qi and blood

The spleen is physical earth center which is the source of both the body’s qi and blood.

d) Flesh and muscles

The absorbing and transporting function of the spleen / stomach is directly reflected in the development of a person’s flesh and muscles. Strong and well developed arms and legs are therefore to be an important indicator for good spleen function.

3) In order for you to be healthy, beautiful, young and slim you have to understand you spleen ‘s physiological properties. Most of the people today will go for different types of medication and methods for their healthiness, but they normally leave out basic and simple demand of our own body system. Actually taking good care of our body system and improve immune efficiency is far more important than any nutrient and it may give us a soundly protection. And “spleen ” is the prime mover of all our daily activities,as it helps to digest, absorb, disintegrate, excrete and transfer the nutrients.

4) How does the operation of spleen affect our body system?

Modern people in today’s busy life used to neglect the importance of personal health care. Lack of exercise, environment and weather changes, social and family pressure, staying up late, lack of rest and sleep, emotional mood, imbalanced and improper diet, drinking alcohol and smoking, long term on medication may effect the normal function of spleen . If spleen is weak, then the function of digesting, absorbing, transforming will be affected. This will influence the operation of other organs, for example lungs, gallbladder, stomach and others. Hence, it will lead to low immune efficiency and weak body resistance. Different type of sickness will then arise: Abdominal distention , diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, phlegm disorders, edema, loss appetite, general exhaustion, insomnia, sleepiness, lack of vision and mental clarity, heavy and sore body, slow healing wounds, bed sores, emaciated arms and legs, dark and burning urination, epigastric stuffiness, vomiting, belching, acid regurgitation, constipation, jaundice, permanent weakness and fatigue, shallow breathing, heat sensations and spontaneous sweating, asthmatic breathing, diabetic and high blood pressure.

Chinese proverb says that “Strengthen your spleen is better than taking any replenisher”. Hence, take actions today to make proper adjustment to take care of your spleen . It may help in better nutrient absorbance, increase body natural detoxification and improve immune efficiency. Healthy spleen is able to digest, absorb and transport properly, freshen up your energy. Besides, the whole organ system in our body will get full absorb and transport properly, freshen up your energy. Besides, the whole organ system in our body will get full. spleenex may help you in this.