鱼鳔精华 Fish Maw Essence




鱼鳔精华含有丰富高粘性胶原蛋白及钙,碘,磷,钾,锌,硒元素加玫瑰和石斛精华含丰富的维生素A,C,B,E,K 及单宁酸,香茅醇,橙花醇,香叶醇,苯乙醇及苄醇等,是一种珍贵的调补品对人体非常重要微量元素能滋润生津, 滋阴润燥,加强活化细胞,神经系统和内分泌及软化心脑血管,提高免疫力,骨髓,软骨胶质功能,滋补五脏六腑, 补血气,润肺补肾,柔肝健脾,通经活络,防肌肉下垂或骨质疏松,淡斑美白消除黑眼圈,使肤质细腻光滑消除疲劳, 纾解抑郁,促进血液循环功能,如有贫血,虚不受补,外科手术伤口,长期饮用[鱼鳔精华]调理有显著疗效恢复健康。

人体含有70%胶原蛋白,存于皮肤,骨骼,眼睛,牙齿,筋腱,软骨,五脏,血管等部位,其功能维持肌肤及组 织器官的形态和结构,也是修复各损伤组织重要原物质。随着年龄增长等各种原因,体内胶原蛋白流失的 速度渐渐超过生成的速度,不但肌肤和骨骼,关节出问题,对内脏也受影响。胶原蛋白是维持体内正常活 动不可缺乏重要的固本。鱼鳔精华含有丰富高粘性胶原蛋白高达84.2%与人体胶原最接近是理想滋润调补品

a)内脏-体内五脏六腑缺乏或流失胶原蛋白会严重影响脏腑下垂甚至引发腰腹部增大,胀气等,各种疾 病,补充鱼鳔高粘性胶原蛋白精华协助内脏器官营养预防疾病。

b)骨-骨骼中的机物有80%是胶原蛋白,骨骼生成时,须充足胶原蛋白纤维组成骨骼的框架。因此胶原蛋白的流失或缺乏 引起骨质疏松,骨关节疼痛,骨刺,骨骼变粗,双腿麻痹,腿脚不灵活,不能弯腰提重,骨头变脆易骨折等疾病。

c)关节-关节是骨与骨之间的软骨是关节活动灵活,软骨中骨胶质的59%构成物质是胶原蛋白,当人年岁渐老体内软骨胶质流 失与缺乏导致软骨被磨损伤到膝,髓,指,肩,肘,腕,踝关节有响声,脖颈,膝盖关节靠在一起活动磨擦时就疼痛,肿胀,僵硬 (晨僵),关节炎易患风湿病,易患骨刺增生,臀部与大腿轮廓不清晰形成青蛙腿. 补充鱼鳔高粘性胶原精华再生关节软骨 胶质组织和结蒂组织防退化.

d)皮肤-皮肤真皮层75%由胶原蛋白组成,年龄增长胶原蛋白流失导致皮肤松弛,失去弹性变薄老化、皱纹、眼袋,双下巴, 黑斑,暗沉,粗糙,干涩,甚至毛孔粗大等.补充鱼鳔高粘性胶原蛋白精华由内而外深层滋补使肌肤维持光滑.


真阴亏损体质虚弱,容憔悴衰老!是女性很大的警讯,更要在月经干净后1-5日内,补充[鱼鳔精华]含 有丰富高粘性胶原蛋白及维生素,深层调理由内保养到外 [美丽源自健康]

注:鱼鳔,玫瑰和石斛精华; 有丰富高粘性胶原蛋白及维生素,钙, 碘,磷,钾,锌,硒是日常膳食比较容易缺乏的微量元素对于贫血, 虚不受补,精神过劳,怀孕生产,经期过后,手术者更需要滋润调补恢 复健康,对于幼儿及青少年发育成长更重要基本.


[fish maw essence] is rich in high-viscosity collagen, calcium,iodine,phosphorous,potassium, zince and selenium.inaddition,rose and dendrobium essences are also contain vitamins A,C,B,E,K and fannic acid, citronellol,geraniol,benzylenzyme. [fish maw essence] is also having important elements supplement the human body,nourishing body fluid and dryness; enhancing activation of brain cells and nervous system, cardio-vascular softening,endocrine and support our body immune system.It also improve bone marrow function, nourishing the internal organs thus preventing muscles sagging or osteoporosis. [fish maw essence] supports blood ,kidney , lungs softening liver and spleen, through the meridians functioning ; skin whitening effect and eliminate eye dark circles, anti aging, it smoothing delicate skin, relief depression, reduce fatigue and promoting blood circulatory function. if any like having anemia, surgical wound, taking [fish maw essence] constantly would enhance the recovery effect condition significantly.

human body contains 70% collagen, deposited in the skin, bones, eyes, teeth, tendons, cartilage, internal organs, blood vessels and other parts of the skin and tissues and organs function to maintain the shape and structure of organizations is also important to repair the damage the original material. Various reasons such as age, the rate of loss of collagen, the body slowly than the speed of generation, not only skin and bone, joint problems, on the internal organs are also affected. Collagen is indispensable to maintain the normal activities of the body important to consolidate. fish maw extract rich in highly viscous collagen and human collagen as high as 84.2% moisture transfer closest to the ideal tonic

a) internal organs – the lack or loss of body organs will seriously affect the collagen sagging organs and even lead to increased waist and abdomen, flatulence, etc., all kinds of diseases, additional fish maw collagen essence of high viscosity internal organs nutrition to help prevent disease.

b) skeleton – the bones of 80% of organic matter is collagen, bone formation, it should be adequate bone collagen fibers framework. Therefore, the loss or lack of collagen caused by osteoporosis, bone and joint pain, bone spurs, thicker bones, paralysis legs,legs are not flexible, not to mention re-bending, bones become brittle fracturing and other diseases.

c) joint – joint is the cartilage between bones are flexible joints, cartilage, bone constitutes 59% of resin material is collagen, the body when people age getting old and glial loss and lack of cartilage caused by wear of cartilage damage To the knee, hip, fingers, shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle there was a noise, neck, knee joint by friction with the activity when pain, swelling, stiffness (morning stiffness), susceptibility to rheumatic arthritis, susceptibility to spur proliferation , buttocks and thighs is not clear outline of the formation of frog legs. fish maw high viscosity cream regeneration of articular cartilage collagen and connective tissue glial tissue against degradation.

d) skin – 75% of the dermal layer of skin collagen composition, age lead to loose skin collagen loss, loss of elasticity of thin aging, wrinkles, eye bags, double chin, dark spots, dull, rough, dry, and even the pores thick and so on. fish maw highly viscous collagen essence of deep nourishing from the inside to maintain smooth skin ..

e) the maternity – collagen content of the female body 27% less than men. women face due to menstruation, pregnancy or loss of collagen caused a lot of really negative loss of physical weakness, tolerance haggard old! Is a big warning sign women, but also to clean after 1-5 days in the period to supplement the [fish maw essence] is rich in high Viscous collagen and vitamins, deep tone to the outside grounds maintenance within the [beauty from health]

note : fish maw the essence of roses and dendrobium; is rich in collagen and high viscosity of vitamins, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium is relatively easy daily dietary trace element for the lack of anemia, virtual free fill, mental fatigue, Pregnancy, menstruation after surgery also need to tune up moisture back to health, growth and development for children and young people is more important fundamental.